How do we observe, measure, document and understand our environment? How do the methods of our observation/contemplation affect the results? What then, drives or defines the methods of our observation? What are the tools, devices and methods that define and construct the way we see and understand the environment? How can a tool or device offer alternative ways of seeing and understanding, enacting renewed engagements? Can we question/re-tool them? Can we question and re-establish a relevancy between the outcome and the measured/documented? Can we imagine tools not aligned with prescribed functions or purposes? Can a device open our understandings rather than close them? Can a device invite the environment draw or reveal its presence?
i. International Association for the Study of Pain, “IASP Terminology,” International Association for the Study of Pain, accessed September 20, 2020,
ii. John Staughton, “Does Losing One Sense Improve the Others?” Science ABC, October 22, 2019,
iii. “7 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know Fingertips Could Do,” Mental Floss, accessed September 22, 2020,
iv. Ibid.
v. Ibid.
vi. Lisa Skedung, “New Method to Measure Our Sense of Touch,” RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, accessed September 22, 2020,
vii.  Mo Costandi, “New Research Shows That Nerve Endings in the Fingertips Perform Neutral Computations That Were Thought to Occur in the Brain,” The Guardian, September 8, 2014, https://
viii. Ibid.

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